hey everyone, wanna help me out, by helping a friend out ? lets get TheComeUpTV to 100,000 followers. check out their site. heres a bit of what their about.
this is hilarious, i saw this video via [alejandraX3] if you have EVER watched jersey shore, then you know how funny this really is. i wonder if these kids really knew what they were doing when they filmed this. the funniest little characters were 'The Situation' && 'Snookie' he did the whole shirt lift && everything && she had the POOF, aww man, glad i saw this before i head to sleep, enjoy enjoy, 8]
but he aint soo mini now is he ? he has the baby hoochies && all that. hes like a latino guido, for SURE ! i saw this video via [EatSkeet.com] always has the most hilarious videos, for more check out that site. you wont regret it. well enjoy Mini Daddy's jam, Fist Pump Foo's !
great minds && great food, what more could one ask for ? nothing, i know ! whatever Dom && Skeet are cooking up is going to be absolutely EPIC, i know this forsure. they have such different minds but are still soo very similar in the art of perfecting their sound. im ready for anything && everything that these 2 throw our way, 8]
soo someone asked me to update my blog, && i didnt have anything to say, soo i just said 'soon', but the idea was planted, && i realized i miss blogging, then i was thinking about other things i miss, so i decided to write an [i miss blog]
here goes: 1.] i miss LA, soo much. i truly do. everything about it... the sunshine, the palm tree's, the polluted air, the metros, the music on the streets... doesnt that sound amazing ? yeah ? it is. i miss sunday's at Jet Rag with jess, riding my bike down La Brea, && the creeps 'creeping' walking the bikes back up. i miss LA, ill see you soon love, i promise.
2.] i miss the music. the REAL music, im sure you you've all been hearing the same thing lately. but i miss that music that you know is from the heart, that music that you know is done for the LOVE of MUSIC. not the music thats done for the LOVE of MONEY. i know you know what i mean, i miss that 90's music, i really do. i play 90's jams all day every day. i miss that music, i think its coming back though, all those people who pray && stuff, just do that for me. i really appreciate it.
hmm...what else do i miss ?
3.] i miss those days, i wont be specific, but i definitely miss them. i think its the weather thats reminding me of 'em. ahh those days, those days when we'd meet up, && walk the streets of LA, talking about that REAL music, yeah i miss those days, all of those days.
January 2, 2010
i apologize for the absence, ive been too busy && too preocuupied for blogging. but i will be back eventually, dont lose interest, it shall only become better...in time. i hope everyone enjoyed their holiday, do great things in 2010, every year is YOUR year, make the most of it, 8]