July 11, 2009

your just....

your pathetic,
i dont know how long you've been this way,
but it sure has been awhile.
i dont even think i have respect for you anymore,
i dont know if i ever did to be honest.
yeah, we have some good times,
we laugh, you give me gifts, we chat.
but we Never 'talk'.
we never listen, YOU never listen,
&& in turn i have learned to tune you out.
your voice is a sound that doesnt agree with my mind.
it doesnt even make it far enough to go in one ear && out the other,
the sound of your voice,
no matter the content of the statement,
hits the surface && instantly irritates me.
i apologize, because the relationship between us should be much better.
but its not my fault.
im not sure if its your either,
but i dont see it getting any better.
things were better when you werent around.
its sad, but its the way it is.
your ignorant, i cant deal with you.
physically your an adult,
but coming from an 18 year old,
you have a lot of growing up to do.
your supposed to set a good example right ?
well where is it ? because ive never received it.
guess what ? its too late now,
i am who i am, with or without you,
but better off without you.


1 comment:

  1. *clap , clap*
    "...your voice is a sound that doesnt agree with my mind.
    it doesnt even make it far enough to go in one ear && out the other..."
    ♥ these two lines.
