May 17, 2009

BlakcLabel Ent;

This is a group of Amazing People, SERIOUSLY;
they are soo young and yet soo talented.
plenty of people say that teenagers dont know whats'Up, and that we cant do anything with ourselves until we're grown [Blah'Blah'Blah] !
these people are proving them ALL wrong as we speak.
They have a'bunch of ish going on at the moment, such as: their store "icoast", opening in the next couple weeks, && tons of music;
i just basically wanted to give them some promo on my blog, to further their name. im sure plenty of people who hit this blog already know these people, or know of there "movement" && if you dont know what theBlakcLabel/CoastGang stands for, here goes:

BLakc Label Entertainment,
more commonly known as the BLakc Label Coast Gang,
is a collective of young entrepanuers representing the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County.
The Label includes:
a record company,
&& street wear fashion company: icoast™,
with a retail boutique opening on Fountain bl. in Hollywood May, 2009. The philosophy,
is simple--
promote valley/youth culture with art in an innovative, creative and benifitial way,
while always upholding ingretity and personal style.

-more info && music:
show em love;


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